Our Stories

Almost everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer in some way. Our board members shared their favorite memories of Nolan to help show that even if cancer takes a loved one, the effect they had on your life will last forever.


Mason Buccilla


When we were little our families would go to Massanutten, Va for vacations. I wish I could emphasize how often he had everyone on those trips smiling or laughing with his exaggerated impersonations and his quick-witted jokes. The Massanutten vacations were symbolic in the overall humor he presented to everyone that knew him. There were many qualities Nolan carried with him that inspired all of us and brought his friends together with ease. It is only right that we fight to end a horrific disease, inspiring communities to come together to join the fight against cancer.

Brady Himes


Being Nolan’s brother, there are so many memories that I could tell. Growing up with him I always remembered going fishing with him and my grandfather trying to catch Rainbow Trout. Skipping a few years, I always enjoyed watching him play lacrosse. Nolan had a feel for music, which brought his friends over to hang out in the “studio”. One thing that stood out was his sense of humor that I will never forget. He always made me laugh no matter what day or time it was. I could go on and on about him but I won’t. One thing that I will go on about though is asking for you and many others for your help in raising money and awareness so we can all achieve the ultimate goal of helping to find a cure for cancer and helping those who have it to beat it.



Josh Stoudt


Nolan was always the most generous and giving guy around. He was known to give away even his most precious of valuables to his friends. One day when I was picking him up at Memaw’s he brought out one of his beloved Michael Kors watches and handed it to me. He said “I know it’ll look great on you man. Please take it.” If you know Nolan, then you know that turning down that amazing gift was not an option. This is just one of the many instances of generosity he showed to many.

Anthony DeCicco

Vice President

Nolan and I grew up playing lacrosse and football, we were not only teammates but friends. This picture of us was taken before senior homecoming crushing a quality Pat Devlin steak. I remember getting to homecoming that year and Nolan crushing it on the dance floor. One of the greatest memories I have with Nols.



Chance Carter


I didn’t go to High School with the rest of the crew. I met everyone Junior year and Nolan was one of the first people I met. When someone new comes around or is hanging out with the crew for the first time, Nolan is always the first to get to know them. And even though you just met, he is the one who makes you feel welcome, included, comfortable and the true feeling of being at home with friends that you’ve known for years. His smile, laughter and caring nature makes him the most selfless person we all love and may ever know. I am blessed to be able to call him my brother and family. One love.

Alex DeCicco


I am inspired daily working along Nolan’s closest friends and family as the secretary in our foundation. Over the last few years, I’ve grown close to many of our board members, each of them sharing their personal experiences with Nolan – so much so that I feel as though he was one of my closest friends. Nolan’s happiness and purpose was contagious and those are feelings that I have been immersed in while being part of such an incredible and dedicated team. Our team works diligently and passionately towards raising money to ensure that we can alleviate pain and suffering caused by cancer, namely Ewing Sarcoma, for those affected. I am driven by the pursuit of life in honor of Nolan’s legacy eager that our work truly embodies his remarkable impact.



Jordan Donmoyer

Board Member

I’ve known Nolan since 9th grade and I am pretty sure we hung out every day possible since after that. It was that summer he started coming on my family vacation to the beach every year with me. Our idea of having a good time was straying away at the boardwalk to attempt to get girls’ phone numbers. After a few hours of walking up and down the boardwalk, talking to people as we went, we would end up back at the beach house and text the numbers we got. He always had a way with words so I would give him my phone to send texts as me. He was always up for meeting new people and he brought that out in me when I would feel shy or unwilling to go out on a limb. Love you brother. Rest easy.

Connor Buccilla

Board Member

I first met Nolan Himes in second grade at John Beck Elementary. I falsely accused him of taking my favorite Pokemon Card. Looking back, I couldn’t be happier. It started a lifelong friendship that I appreciated more than life itself. If I could go back and falsely accuse him again, I certainly would knowing what I know now. Thank you Nolan, for all that you taught me in life. I will carry your love and advice with me until the day I die.



Matt Devlin

Board Member

This was from one of the last trips Nolan was able to take; selflessly scheduled in between his radiation treatments. He would not have let anything get in the way spending time with “The Crew”. This was an overwhelming theme of Nolan’s life. Nolan, Andrew Newsome, and myself accompanied by Memaw (Nolan’s Grandmother) spent four incredible nights in Atlantic City. I will forever cherish these memories. These lyrics summarizes that weekend, “Everything dies, baby, that’s a fact. But maybe everything that dies some day comes back. Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty. And meet me tonight in Atlantic City” The Band – Atlantic City.

Rob Stoudt

Board Member

I had the privilege of knowing Nolan since we were teenagers. He was always someone who I looked up to and asked for advice. Nolan was a fighter, and a very determined man. Along with those great qualities, he was a fun-loving, positive and caring human being. It’s a great honor to work for this foundation in his name.


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